0 +
T1DM Families Supported Since 2009

10 +

Annual Picnics Program

50,000 +

Free Insulin Syringes and Pen Needles Distributed

50 +

Quarterly HbA1c Camps Done

510,000 +

Glucometer and Glucose Strips Distributed

Empowering Every Child, Every Opportunity

Legal Status

We are an Indian registered charitable  trust, with 12A registration by the Income Tax Department since 1985. Any donations made to YDF are tax exempted under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. FCRA Compliant and Registered for Foreign Donation


YDF team has professionals working as trainers and mobilizers to take the interventions to the targeted beneficiary group. The executive body envisions and gives directions to the thrust areas in which the organization invests its resources.

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