Practice Child Protection

Protect Children from Abuse and Sexual Exploitation:

Sexual abuse is an act or behaviour which constitutes a sexual offence under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, as amended from time to time. Such sexual offences include penetrative sexual assault (including rape), non-penetrative sexual assault (including touching the private parts of a Child), sexual harassment (including stalking a Child, showing a Child pornography and making a Child exhibit his/her body) and using a Child for pornographic purposes (including storing of pornographic material involving a Child for commercial purposes).

An abetment of and an attempt to commit a sexual offence under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 are also considered to be offences. Certain offences under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 are considered to be aggravated offences and are subject to stringent punishments. For instance, sexual assault committed by persons in a position of trust or authority in relation to the Child (including relatives of the Child, persons managing or working in an educational institution, police officers or public servants) are considered to be aggravated offences.

Yog Dhyan Foundation commits itself to creating and maintaining an environment which promotes its core values and prevents abuse and sexual exploitation. Central to our work in social wholesome Central to our work in social development is our commitment to the healthy and wholesome growth and development of children as the future of society. Yog Dhyan Foundation’s staff and partners are expected to contribute to building a harmonious workplace based on shared expectations, mutual respect and understanding where children are safe and allowed to develop to their fullest capacity.

All Yog Dhyan Foundation’s staff are expected to uphold the dignity of those we serve, by ensuring that their personal and professional conduct with clear boundaries, is of the highest standard, at all times in a manner consistent with their role as Yog Dhyan Foundation representatives and a positive role model to children.

Yog Dhyan Foundation strongly condemns all kinds of physical, sexual, emotional or psychological abuse and exploitation of children. These constitute acts of gross misconduct and are therefore grounds for disciplinary action, even leading to termination of employment and reporting to local statutory authorities. All relevant legal steps will be taken corresponding to the legal and social conditions of the local situation.

This Code of Conduct is applicable to all Yog Dhyan Foundation staff on the rolls of the Yog Dhyan Foundation or through third-party contracts, consultants, part-time or temporary staff and to those with whom personnel come into contact in the course of their work with Yog Dhyan Foundation

Code of Conduct requires all Yog Dhyan Foundation’s staff to comply with the following behavioural protocols and expectations in their work and association with the Yog Dhyan Foundation:

  1. Treat children with respect. regardless of nationality, ethnicity, caste, culture, gender, Language, religion, inclination, ethnic origin, economic status, disability, birth, family status or other status and recognizing their right to personal privacy.
  1. Never engage in any form of physical punishment/discipline of children/corporal, punishment, harassment discrimination, physical or verbal intimidation, favoritism or exploitative sexual relation.
  1. Never use inappropriate, demeaning, arassing, abusive, sexually provocative, offensive, discriminatory or culturally offensive language towards/in the presence of children.
  • Do not call the child any name that may malign their personality and identity and result in mental and emotional disturbances.
  • Never make suggestive remarks or gestures, even in fun.
  1. Never employ children for domestic and other labour work which are not suitable for their age and development stage that interferes with their education, play and recreational activities or which put them in a position to be physically abused or exploited in any form.
  1. Physical contact (touching) with children should only be in response to the need of the

 Child with their permission.

  • Ensure your actions are open and non secretive
  • Do not take children to secluded places.
  • Do not do things for children of a personal nature that they can do for themselves
  • Do not hold, kiss, cuddle or touch a child in an inappropriate, unnecessary or culturally insensitive way.
  • In all the above, remember that someone else may misinterpret your actions, no matter how well intentioned.
  1. Do not develop sexual relationship with and engage them in any form of sexual activity
  • Do not kiss or hug the child tightly, touching/fondling any body parts in a malicious or societally.
  • Do not behave physically in manner which is morally/culturally inappropriate or provocative sexually
  • Do not sleep/stay in the same room/bed or close to unsupervised children.
  • Do not stay overnight with a child without the presence/ permission of their parent, family member or care giver.
  • Do not invite unaccompanied children to private / secluded place without an appropriate reason or without supervision of another adult.
  1. Do not give money, goods and other favors in exchange for children’s sexual performance.
  1. Do not treat children in a manner that is detrimental to their dignity or other forms of humiliating, degrading and exploitative behavior.
  1. Do not indulge in any personal gratification that is harmful to the child’s development or growth.
  1. Do not give children alcohol, tobacco products or illegal drugs.
  1. Do not consume or use alcohol, tobacco, any narcotics or banned substances, etc. in the Presence of children.
  1. Do not take photographs, videos, films that depict or show children that depict or show children in an abusive manner.
  1. Be aware of situations that may present risks and proactively develop strategies to protect the interests, safety and wellbeing of children.
  1. Do not use social media or internet based content in a societally or culturally inappropriate manner or in a way that could be detrimental to a child’s physical, mental or emotional wellbeing, growth or development.
  1. Yog Dhyan Foundation’s staffs are expected to behave in accordance with Yog Dhyan Foundation values at all times.
  1. Yog Dhyan Foundation Staff should ensure that all Associates and Well-wishers are appraised of and understand the Yog Dhyan Foundation Child Protection Policy and the expectations under the same. Additionally, Yog Dhyan Foundation Staff shall ensure that all Associates and Well wishers have agreed to abide by the quidelines for their association with the work of Yog Dhyan Foundation and signs a copy of the relevant guidelines governing such association.

YOG DHYAN FOUNDATION will ensure the compliance of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 and Juvenile Justice Act, as amended from time to time AND Yog Dhyan Foundation staff must comply with all relevant country’s legislations concerning children

As per section 19 of the POCSO Act, every person who suspects or has knowledge of the commission of a sexual offence is required to report the offence to the local police or the Special Juvenile Police Unit. A failure to report the sexual offence, constitutes an offence punishable with imprisonment or fine or both in accordance with section 21 of the POCSO Act.

Making false complaints or providing false information against any person in respect of a sexual offence under the POCSO Act is also punishable with imprisonment or fine or both under section 22 of the POCSO Act.



