What We Do?

What we care for?

Identifying Children With Type 1 Diabetes

Yog Dhyan’s team visits designated hospitals at periodic intervals to get referrals of children with T1D from the doctors. Documents confirming that the child has T1D are procured for record keeping and tracking purposes. As part of the referral process, a background check is undertaken of the child and the family, especially of the socio-economic status. The parents are informed about the Foundation and the advantages of sending their children for group yoga classes, and encouraged to start attending these sessions.
As part of the referral process, a background check is undertaken of the child and the family, especially of the socio-economic status. The parents are informed about the Foundation and the advantages of sending their children for group yoga classes, and encouraged to start attending these sessions.

Stress Management

When T1D is diagnosed in a child, the immediate consequences of the diagnosis are felt by the entire family. The level of stress increases manifold with the financial, economic and emotional burdens posed by the disease and societal responses to it. The feeling of loneliness and “why me” can be devastating. For economically vulnerable households, these burdens can be particularly disastrous, as the incurable nature of the disease makes parents wary of diverting their earnings and energy to its control. Lack of education further worsens the situation as teaching material cannot be used. The stressed out family and child find it difficult to absorb and the extensive diabetes education and implement self-care measures needed, so a bleak outcome becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. Yog Dhyan Foundation attempts to break this vicious cycle. By bringing together such families under one roof, and providing them a friendly environment to meet and exchange their problems, allows them to talk about solutions. Simultaneously, the Foundation provides financial support and positive emotional guidance, so the families feel someone cares and shares the burdens, making them lighter and easier to carry. Once the situation normalized, self-care can begin and succeed.

Processes Initiation

Once the children with T1D are identified, discussions are held with the family members, to analyze the difficulties faced in the management of diabetes and how to tackle them.
In these families, the major initial difficulties center around the financial burden of procuring medical supplies (insulin, syringes, BG strips, other tests needed) regularly. Therefore the first help extended is provision of a glucometer to the family, along with 100 test strips on a monthly basis. The parents are taught to use the glucometer effectively. Nutritious diet for the child is also given free of cost. Free yoga classes for the entire family help them understand the positive impact of exercise on the BG directly, and on stress reduction. Further, counseling sessions are provided from time to time to help the family cope with the emotional stress related to a chronic, demanding disease. In addition, the group yoga sessions provide an opportunity for the families to meet others with the same disorder, experience a sense of camaraderie, and share problems and solutions. This reduces the sense of stigma, isolation and resentment to a great extent. All efforts are made to help the child and the family lead a normal and healthy life.