5th February 2023, 1st YDF T1DM CAMP of Feb Month

YDF Camp for T1DM Children

It was the first YDF Camp of Feb month for Children with T1dm. Day was very long, it start at 10am with Yoga Exercise and T1 Diabetes Education and concluded with free distribution of all necessary diabetes supply (Strips, Glucometer, Syringes, Pen Needles and Insulin). It has been seen that sometime poverty can be reason to keep away from the latest technology, but YDF never want to compromised with their Children with T1DM, YDF introduced latest BeatO Glucometer in today’s Camp. The purpose of this to connect all the children with digitalization, so they can use initially Smart Phone to check their sugar reading, later we will introduce CGM Sensor and Pump Technology to taste the inject free life with Type 1 Diabetes. Parents Educating about benefits of Diet and Exercise for T1DM.